It divides the simulation into three major modules: From this point, three situations may occur:. Raoni Kulesza 2 Informatic Center, R. Experiments This section presents the experiments conducted to demonstrate the BiS tool implemented in this work. For applications, the process comprises receiving and storing the entire file structure and metadata of the application. In this case, the contents are not removed, and when the carousel is restarted, the transmission must go back to the point where it stopped. Main Content Subscriber This module aims to receive, encapsulate, and deliver the linear content to the presentation module.

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For each received packet, the Persistence Service reads the header of the received packet.

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In this phase only the following fields are evaluated: Connected TV and beyond. In other words, it is not necessary to know the entire linear TV program content in advance and, still, you can simulate the live broadcast of interactive content related to the linear TV program being presented.

This header is detailed in Table 2.

It represents a data file without any connection with other files to be transmitted. The proposed environment differs from others because it allows simulating reception of both linear content and interactive content while running Java applications to allow such a content presentation.

Except for the Consumer Web, it has the other four modules: In addition, the BiS tool allows users to tune a channel and consume contents sent by this channel or other content providers. This emulator provides an execution environment easy to install and use on a PC.

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Once the linear content is received, it serves as an input to the Container VLCj submodule. This action must update the version information of these contents in the window where they are displayed. If the object list contains an object whose identifier is equal to the received packet header's ID field:. This use case allows simulating the reception of linear TV content. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society.

Thus, the authors would like to express their most sincere thanks. The first difference concerns the XML files contents. This situation occurs ginva-ncl in a live linear TV program it is not possible to determine when a highlight a crash, a pit-stop, etc.

The carousel implemented in this work aims to control the data flow delivery for different types of interactive content. The entire process executed by the Persistence Service can be viewed in Figure 7.

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An approach based on events for treating the late tuning problem in interactive live TV shows. An Actor must select a video file to be transmitted. An Actor will be able to replace, at any moment, contents previously added to the carousel.

First of all, the media creation activities generate a set of artifacts that can be stored set-gop reused many times in a recorded linear TV program or can be generated and used in a live virtuql TV program.

Since the last si of Amie 10 voyage I was voyage problem with the virtual keyboard of this voyage it hox small and I couldn't amie it so I was lookin for a voyage program that worked and this one was done a amie job. One essential aspect that is offered by this division of stream event and stream event descriptors is that events can be reused.

The implementation of carousel performed in this work was based on Java libraries for data transmission through network e.

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Ginga-ncl virtual stb firefox. The last virtyal of this study was, again, the development of an interactive TV application in Java, named Xlet Replay, which allows the user to view replays of videos while viewing a linear TV program.

The second est-top is related to the amount of bytes used to the name of the main class. To simulate the presentation of the linear TV program, the XleTView allows a user to select a video file whose content is displayed in a rectangular and central part of the simulator window. Stream events will be detailed in Section 4. If an event with the same event ID is already scheduled to be notified at the same NPT value, or if the NPT value has already passed, then the event descriptor is skipped.

This name can use up to bytes 3rd at Some of these difficulties must be considered in order to simplify the process of porting and extend the platform. Therefore, the interactive content should be available before presentation in this simulation environment.

This experiment seeks to keep the focus on detailing the full operation of the simulator.


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