The Dahua camera I have for testing exhibits this same behaviour, especially at night. Just had a reply from ACTI support: I did a step forward. The target directory has no symbolic links, goes right to a disk path. They make some outdoor cameras with built in PIR like Mobotix D15 dome but not cheap and not that good. Aha, I was using the admin pw and not the default user pw…once I figured out what that was it did allow me to change the pw. You can set the camera to h. ipc-hfw4300s firmware

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Can it be done? The following command will record for one hour.

Firmware/Locate Device Firmware - Dahua Wiki

When everything runs UDP no protocol back-pressure occurs and frames are dropped at the client or in the client network stack. Which Nas do you recommend with?

ipc-hfw4300s firmware

How did you brick the camera? Perceptibly better image quality, especially moving objects, faces. I cannot figure out what setting is different in Chrome that Firefox is missing. I have not tried choosing a network path but in theory it should work.

ipc-hfw4300s firmware

Well almost, the download link http: The one I had was very sharp. Other two cameras works fine and they are dahua as well just different models.

The video settings do work. Furmware few days ago I wanted to return it, when I got a message from AZ Security, which seems to be the actual company who sells these through Amazon. Even with a 30 second buffer the stream still has missing or out of order frames, looks stuttery. Assuming in the end I will be able to make these things work, and not have to use them as paperweights. However, all your answers were very useful to let me understand how these things work.

If you increase it too much, like toit will not be as apparent, but you may get ghosting on moving objects. It is confusing as technology was meant to be, LOL. Hopefully one of those will work in a stable way, otherwise I have to return it. You can bypass the gateway by plugging your Mac on the same switch as the camera, then gateway does not matter.

I take it you can get to the point of logging in via telnet. Just the way it works. The recognized IP is The TCP stream is perfect. First is under Event, Video Detect. If you have a PoE switch or injector, you can plug in the cameras into your home network, configure them as you wish, then plug them into the NVR. Just ippc-hfw4300s fourth number, not the port as most router have port mapping so you can leave the camera say at port 80 and map it rirmware in the router for external use.

I started with romfs-x.

Port forwarding is for external access, you need to forward a few ports but first make sure you can access the camera in your own network. What NVR software where you planning on using?

Tag: IPC-HFW4300S

I was playing their live feed right in VLC player, hence how I was able to determine the exact resolution, framerate and bitrate of their feed. I can post it in a couple hours after I get home.

ipc-hfw4300s firmware

The reason for the reset was the forgotten password. Here you can draw multiple motion detect zones and then apply a threshold and sensitivity. Sign in Already have an account? BUT, my problem is that when I add my camera the video is filled with artifacts and crazy choppy.


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